Landmark Opera Company – La Boheme – November 2024
Palm Sunday 3Palm Sunday 2Palm Sunday 1
Judy, Carolyn, and Ernest organize annual toy drive for those less fortunate in our community.Judy, Carolyn, and Ernest organize annual toy drive for those less fortunate in our community.Pr. Keith presides at Graveside Funeral Service for Jack B.Judy, Carolyn, and Doug packing and organizing School Kits and Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief to be sent to needy persons in the Third World with the support of Thrivent Financial for LutheransChristmas 2020 at our Montessori AcademyDiane, Judy and Pam gather and organize gifts and necessities for the sailors visiting the busy ports of Los Angeles and San Pedro though Lutheran Maritime MinistriesDaniel, Dennis, Diane, Jean, Judy and Pam distribute Christmas Gifts to the children of our Montessori Academy Our Montessori Academy’s Annual Christmas Program