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Sites of Interest to St. Matthew's Members and Friends.
St. Matthew’s Weekly Webcast Worship WEBCAST WORSHIP & BIBLE STUDY Many blessings to our extended St. Matthew’s Family!This Sunday’s Virtual Worship Services are now available on YouTube and ready for you to join. Please take some time out of your day and participate in our “virtual liturgy” as we link together in: “prayer, praise, and thanksgiving.”God be with you all,Pr. Keith OR:Join St. Matthew’s Virtual Sunday English Bible StudySUNDAYS at 12:30 PM (with Holy Communion at Noon) on your PHONE – no computer needed!
You can also use the phone connection WITH your computerif you are having audio issues with your computer
Dial: 1 (669) 900-6833 Then enter Meeting ID (followed by #): 833 1158 6860 Then enter Password (followed by #): 433458
Here you will find a friendly smile, a kindly embrace, a thought-provoking experience, a gracious welcome.
At St. Matthew’s Church we respond to God’s love by
Worshiping We celebrate God’s presence in our lives through Word and Sacrament, prayers, and thanksgiving.
Learning We gow in faith and understanding as we explore the meaning of God’s Word for our daily lives.
Serving We reach out in Christ’s name to care for one another and for our neighbors, near and far.
Witnessing We share the Good News of God’s love for all people.